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Children entering Phase Two will be able to distinguish between speech sounds and many will be able to blend and segment words orally. Some will also be able to recognise spoken words that rhyme and will be able to provide a string of rhyming words, but inability to do this does not prevent moving on to Phase Two as these speaking and listening activities continue. The purpose of this phase is to teach the following letter/sounds:
s /s/, a /a/, t /t/, p /p/, i /i/, n /n/, m /m/, d /d/, g /g/, o /o/, c /k/, k /k/, ck /k/, e /e/, u /u/, r /r/, h /h/, b /b/, f /f/, ff /f/, l /l/
ll /l/, ss /s/
Children move on from oral blending and segmentation to blending and segmenting with letters. By the end of the phase many children should be able to read some VC and CVC words and to spell them either using magnetic letters or by writing the letters on paper or on whiteboards. During the phase they will be introduced to reading two-syllable words and simple captions. They will also learn to read some high-frequency ‘tricky’ words: is, the, no, go, I, into, his, has, as, put, of
Each daily 30-minute phonics lesson follows this same format:
Revisit: previously taught letter-sounds
Tricky Words: words that have one or more unusual letter sequences e.g. people.
Teach: the focus letter-sound and formation
Blend: read words that include the focus letter-sound
Apply: caption for dictation, decodable book and daily worksheet
The buttons link to the primer font books. For sassoon font versions click here.Click on the image for the primer font worksheets. Sassoon font versions of the worksheets are accessible using the button below.
// denotes the letter-sound is one of the 44 sounds. e.g. /k/ is one of the 44 sounds and the letter 'c' makes the same sound
Revisit: Oral blending
Introduce: Letter-sound recognition.
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /s/
Formation: Start at the snake’s head, slide down his back and round his tail
Write: Children write the letter s on whiteboards or paper
Apply: The book below is wordless. Make up the story as you read it with the children
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for/s/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /a/
Formation: Start at the stalk. Round the outside of the apple and back down.
Write: Children write the letter a on whiteboards or paper
Apply: The book below is wordless. Make up the story as you read it with the children
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /t/
Formation: Down the tiger’s tummy and across its arms.
Write: Children write the letter t on whiteboards or paper
Apply: The book below is wordless. Make up the story as you read it with the children
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /p/
Formation: Down the pig’s back, up and around its head
Write: Children write the letter p on whiteboards or paper
Display a word with the focus grapheme and point to the sound button under each grapheme from left to right as you say the pure sound (sound-talk). Repeat, but ask the children to sound-talk the word with you.
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /i/
Formation: Down the side of the jar and put a dot on the squeezer
Blending: it, sit, pit, pip, sip
Draw children’s attention to the letter-sound correspondence (GPC) that they already know (i in is). Discuss the tricky bits of the word (e.g. ‘s’ does not make the same sound for /s/ already learnt as in Sam).
Read the word a couple more times. Encourage children to read the word and refer to it regularly throughout the day.
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /n/
Formation: Down the side and back up to the birds. Back down the other side
Blending: an, in, nip, pan, pin, tin, tan, tan, nap
Apply: Read the caption ‘a pin in a tin’
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /m/
Formation: Down the first monkey and back up through its tail. Down the second monkey and back up through its tail. Then down to the third monkey’s hands.
Blending: man, mam, mat, am, map, Pam, Tim, Sam
Apply: Read the caption ‘a man on a mat’
Point to the letters as the children sing the alphabet song. Continue singing the song daily and pointing to the letters until you are satisfied that all the children know the letter names.
Sing the alphabet song while pointing to the lower case and upper case letters on an alphabet frieze.
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /d/
Formation: Around the dog’s head, up its back and back down
Blending: dad, sad, dim, dip, din, did, Sid, and
Apply: Read the caption ‘dad is sad’
Say a CVC word (e.g. pig) and, holding up three fingers, sound-talk it (e.g. p - i - g), pointing to a finger at a time for each phoneme.
Ask the children to do the same and watch to check that they are correct.
From today you should include a segmenting for spelling activity at the end of every lesson.
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /g/
Formation: Around the goats head, down its neck and around its belly
Blending: tag, gag, gig, gap, nag, sag, gas, pig, dig
Tricky Word: th-e
Apply: Read the caption ‘pig in the pit’
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /o/
Formation: Start at the stalk and go around the outside
Blending: got, on, not, pot, top, dog, pop, Mog
Apply: Read the caption ‘Mog got the mop’
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound c
Formation: Start at the cats head, stroke its back all the way around to its tail
Blending: can, cot, cop, cap, cat, cod
Tricky words: n-o, g-o
Apply: Read the caption ‘a cat in a cot’
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/, c
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /k/
Formation: Down the gold key, up around the copper key and back down
Blending: kid, kit, Kim, Ken Tricky word: I
Apply: Read the caption ‘I am a kid’
Explain that sometimes two
letters can make one sound and this is called a digraph.
Explain that the digraph ck makes the same sound as ‘c’ and ‘k’ but is spelt with two letters
Remember to include a segmenting for spelling activity at the end of every lesson
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/, c, /k/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the digraph ck
Blending: k-i-ck, s-o-ck, s-a-ck, d-o-ck, p-i-ck, s-i-ck, p-a-ck
Tricky word: t-o
Apply: Read the caption ‘I go to the duck’
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/, c, /k/, ck
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /e/
Formation: Start at the bottom of the yolk, all the way around, down the white
Blending: get, pet, ten, net, pen, peg, met, men, n-e-ck
Apply: Read/write the caption ‘ten men get a pet’
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/, c, /k/, ck, /e/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /u/
Formation: Down one side of the umbrella, up the other and back down
Blending: up, mum, run, mug, cup, sun, t-u-ck, mud
Apply: Read/write the caption ‘a mug in the mud’
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/, c, /k/, ck, /e/, /u/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /r/
Formation: Down to the rabbit’s feet, back up and along its ear
Blending: rim, rip, ram, rat, rag, rug, ro
Tricky word: i-n-t-o
Apply: Read/write the caption ‘a rat on a rug’
After the core phonics lesson, dictate the caption/sentence of the day. Children use pencil and paper to write out the caption/sentence. As the children progress, so will their handwriting and spelling accuracy.
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/, c, /k/, ck, /e/, /u/, /r/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /h/
Formation: Down the neck and front legs, up along its back, down its back legs
Blending: had, him, hot, hut, hop, hum, hit, hat
Tricky words: h-i-s, h-a-s
Apply: Read/write the caption ‘his hat has a rim’
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/, c, /k/, ck, /e/, /u/, /r/, /h/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /b/
Formation: Follow the ball as it bounces down., then go around the ball
Blending: but, big, back, bad, bag, bed, bug, bun, bus
Tricky word: a-s
Apply: Read/write the caption ‘bug in the bed’
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/, c, /k/, ck, /e/, /u/, /r/, /h/, /b/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /f/
Formation: Around the head, down to its tail then across its flippers
Blending: if, fit, fun, fog, fan, fat
Apply: Read/write the caption ‘run in the fog’
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/, c, /k/, ck, /e/, /u/, /r/, /h/, /b/, /f/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the digraph ff
Blending: p-u-ff, h-u-ff, c-u-ff, o-ff
Apply: Read/write the caption 'huff and puff’
Remember to include a segmenting for spelling activity at the end of every lesson
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/, c, /k/, ck, /e/, /u/, /r/, /h/, /b/, /f/, ff
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /l/
Formation: Scratch the lion’s ear then come straight down to his toes
Blending: p-u-ff, h-u-ff, c-u-ff, o-ff
Apply: Read/write the caption 'huff and puff’
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/, c, /k/, ck, /e/, /u/, /r/, /h/, /b/, /f/, ff, /l/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the digraph ll
Blending: f-i-ll, d-o-ll, t-e-ll, s-e-ll
Tricky word: p-u-t
Apply: Read/write the caption 'huff and puff’
Revisit: Oral blending, letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/, c, /k/, ck, /e/, /u/, /r/, /h/, /b/, /f/, ff, /l/, ll, ss
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the digraph ss
Blending: l-e-ss, h-i-ss, m-a-ss, m-e-ss, b-o-ss, f-u-ss, k-i-ss
Tricky word: o-f
Apply: Read/write the caption 'the hut is a mess’
Say the first word (e.g. cat). Ask the class, “How do we make the word with the letters?”
Ask the class to sound-talk cat and then can. Ask them to change cat into can.
Ask them to sound-talk and blend the word to check that it is correct.
Repeat with each word in the list until the first word comes round again and then say Full circle with the class.
Take six pictures and a caption for one of the pictures. Display the caption.
Sound-talk and read the first word (e.g. p-a-t pat).
Ask the children to repeat after you or join in with you, depending on their progress. After sound-talking (if necessary) and reading the second word, say both words (e.g. a, pat a). Continue with the next word (e.g. d-o-g dog, pat a dog). Display the pictures and ask the children which picture the caption belongs to.
Children should read each book 3 times:
First: In the core phonics lesson with the teacher.
Second: Independently or in a small group later that same day.
Third: At home with a parent/fluent reader in the afternoon or evening.
It is important to assess all children at the end of each phase. The assessment can also be used before starting the programme to assess a child’s ability. Learn more about our comprehensive online assessment and teaching platform here:
Used to revisit previously learnt letter/sounds and to teach new letter/sounds
Used in the blending activities to read words using newly taught letter/sounds
Used to apply letter/sound knowledge
Used to apply letter/sound knowledge
Letters and Sounds © Crown copyright 2007 - revisions and updates © Smart Kids - All Rights Reserved. Teaching website:
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