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The purpose of this phase is for children to broaden their knowledge of graphemes and phonemes for use in reading and spelling. Children will learn alternative pronunciations for:
c /s/, g /j/, ch /sh/, ch /k/, y /igh/, i /igh/, a /ar/, o /oa/, u /yoo/ea /e/, ie /ee/, er /ur/, ow /oa/, ou /oo/, y /i/, a /ai/, a /o/, e /ee/, u /oo/, ey /ai/, ou /oa/
Some of the alternatives will already have been encountered in the high-frequency words that have been taught. Children become quicker at recognising graphemes of more than one letter in words and at blending the phonemes they represent. When spelling words they will learn to choose the appropriate graphemes to represent phonemes and begin to build word-specific knowledge of the spellings of words.
Revisit: /oo/ oo, ue, ew, u-e; /yoo/ ue, ew, u-e; /zh/ si, su
Say the sound and point to the picture for /s/ - invite the children to read: sat, sun, sip, sad, fuss, mess, boss
Teach: /s/ can also be written c
Blending: c-e-ll, a-c-i-d, i-c-y
Apply: Read/Write: It was an icy day in the city.
Revisit: /zh/ si, su /s/ s, ss, c
Say the sound and point to the picture for /j/ - invite the children to read: jam, jacket, jet, jog
Teach: /j/ can also be written g
Tricky word: f-r-ie-n-d
Blending: g-e-n-t, g-e-m, m-a-g-i-c
Apply: Read/Write: I hid the magic gem in my bag.
Revisit: /zh/ si, su; /s/ s, ss, c
Say the sound and point to the picture for /sh/ - invite the children to read: ship, shop, shed, shell
Teach: /sh/ can also be written ch
Blending: ch-e-f, b-r-o-ch-ure
Apply: Read/Write: The chef made a food brochure.
Revisit: /zh/ si, su; /s/ s, ss, c; /sh/ sh, ch
Say the sound and point to the picture for /k/ - invite the children to read: kid, kit, Ken
Teach: /k/ can also be written ch
Blending: s-ch-ool, ch-e-m-i-s-t, ch-or-d, ch-or-u-s
Apply: Read/Write: The school was closed on Christmas day.
Revisit: Say the sound and point to the picture for /igh/ igh, ie, i-e - invite the children to read: high, sigh, light, night, pie, cried, time, invite
Teach: /igh/ can also be written y
Tricky word: eye
Blending: b-y, m-y, t-r-y, wh-y, d-r-y
Apply: Read/Write: Try to spot the fly.
Revisit: Say the sound and point to the picture for /igh/ igh, ie, i-e, y - invite the children to read: high, sigh, pie, cried, time, invite, try, my, by
Teach: /igh/ can also be written i
Blending: m-i-n-d, f-i-n-d, w-i-l-d, b-l-i-n-d
Apply: Read/Write: A wild cat is hard to find.
Revisit: /igh/ igh, ie, i-e, y, i
Say the sound and point to the picture for /ar/ - invite the children to read: bar, car, card, jar
Teach: /ar/ can also be written a
Blending: f-a-s-t, p-a-th, p-a-ss, f-a-th-er, b-a-th
Apply: Read/Write: My father passed me the pees.
Revisit: /ar/ ar, a
Say the sound and point to the picture for /oa/ oa, oe, o-e - invite the children to read: coat, goat, loaf, road, toe, foe, bone,
Teach: /oa/ can also be written o
Blending: n-o, s-o, g-o, d-o-n’t, b-o-th
Apply: Read/Write: Don’t go near the volcano. It’s going to blow.
Revisit: /oa/ oa, oe, o-e, o
Say the sound and point to the picture for /yoo/ ue, ew, u-e - invite the children to read: hue, venue, stew, new, huge, cube,
Teach: /yoo/ can also be written u
Tricky word: a-g-ai-n
Blending: u-n-i-t, u-n-i-c-or-n, m-u-s-i-c
Apply: Read/Write: The unicorn liked human music.
Revisit: /oa/ oa, oe, o-e, o; /yoo/ ue, ew, u-e, u
Say the sound and point to the picture for /e/ - invite the children to read: get, pet, ten, net
Teach: /e/ can also be written ea
Tricky words: a-n-y, m-a-n-y, f-r-ie-n-d
Blending: h-ea-d, d-ea-d, d-ea-f, r-ea-d-y
Apply: Read/Write: The bread was ready to eat.
Revisit: /yoo/ ue, ew, u-e, u; /e/ e, ea
Say the sound and point to the picture for /ee/ ee, y, ey, ea, e-e - invite the children to read: jeep, week, very, happy, donkey, turkey, even, theme
Teach: /ee/ can also be written ie
Tricky word: hour
Blending: ch-ie-f, b-r-ie-f, f-ie-l-d, sh-ie-l-d
Apply: Read/Write: The chief of police found the thief.
Revisit: /e/ e, ea; /ee/ ee, y, ey, ea, e-e, ie
Say the sound and point to the picture for /ur/ ur, ir - invite the children to read: fur, burn, burp, hurt, bird, shirt, skirt
Teach: /ur/ can also be written er
Tricky word: w-or-k (not assessed)
Blending: s-u-pp-er, h-er, f-er-n, s-t-er-n
Apply: Read/Write: The farmer grew herbs in her field.
Revisit: /e/ e, ea; /ee/ ee, y, ey, ea, e-e, ie
Say the sound and point to the picture for /oa/ oa, oe, o-e, o - invite the children to read: coat, goat, toe, foe, bone, those, no, go, both
Teach: /oa/ can also be written ow
Blending: l-ow, g-r-ow, s-n-ow, g-l-ow, t-ow
Apply: Read/Write: Dad towed a trailer full of snow.
Revisit: /ee/ ee, y, ey, ea, e-e, ie; /oa/ oa, oe, o-e, o, ow
Say the sound and point to the picture for /oo/ oo, ue, ew, u-e - invite the children to read: too, blew, chew, true, clue, flute, prune
Teach: /oo/ can also be written ou
Tricky word: th-r-ough
Blending: y-ou, g-r-ou-p, s-ou-p
Apply: Read/Write: You were the first in the group to eat the soup.
Revisit: /oa/ oa, oe, o-e, o, ow; /oo/ oo, ue, ew, u-e, ou
Say the sound and point to the picture for /i/ - invite the children to read: it, sit, nip, pin
Teach: /i/ can also be written y
Tricky word: p-r-e-tt-y
Blending: g-y-m, m-y-s-t-er-y, p-y-r-a-m-i-d
Apply: Read/Write: The crystals were in my gym bag.
Revisit: /oo/ oo, ue, ew, u-e, ou; /i/ i, y
Say the sound and point to the picture for/ai/ ai, ay, a-e - invite the children to read: wait, aim, sail, tray, play, say, came, made, make
Teach: /ai/ can also be written a
Blending: a-c-or-n, b-a-c-o-n, a-p-r-o-n
Apply: Read/Write: Angel liked apricots stuffed with bacon.
Revisit: /i/ i, y; /ai/ ai, ay, a-e, a
Say the sound and point to the picture for /o/ - invite the children to read: got, on, not, pot
Teach: /o/ can also be written a
Blending: w-a-s, wh-a-t, w-a-sh, w-a-s-p
Apply: Read/Write: Watch out for that wasp!
Revisit: /i/ i, y; /ai/ ai, ay, a-e, a; /o/ o, a
Say the sound and point to the picture for /ee/ ee, y, ey, ea, e-e, ie - invite the children to read: jeep, very, happy, turkey, even, theme, chief, field
Teach: /ee/ can also be written e
Tricky word: sh-oe
Blending: h-e, m-e, sh-e, w-e, b-e
Apply: Read/Write: She told me to begin my cake.
Revisit: /o/ o, a; /ee/ ee, y, ey, ea, e-e, ie
Say the sound and point to the picture for /oo/ - invite the children to read: look, foot, book, wood
Teach: /oo/ can also be written u
Tricky word: t-wo
Blending: p-u-t, p-u-ll, p-u-sh, f-u-ll, b-u-sh
Apply: Read/Write: Put the full bucket by the bush.
Revisit: /ee/ ee, y, ey, ea, e-e, ie; /oo/ oo, u
Say the sound and point to the picture for /ai/ ai, ay, a-e, a - invite the children to read: sail, main, play, tray, came, made, acorn, bacon
Teach: /ai/ can also be written ey
Blending: th-ey, g-r-ey, o-b-ey, p-r-ey, s-ur-v-ey
Apply: Read/Write: They had to obey the teacher.
Revisit: /oo/ oo, u;/ai/ ai, ay, a-e, a, ey
Say the sound and point to the picture for /oa/ oa, oe, o-e, o, ow - invite the children to read: coat, goat, toe, foe, bone, those, no, go, low, grow
Teach: /oa/ can also be written ou
Blending: m-ou-l-d, sh-ou-l-d-er, b-ou-l-d-er
Apply: Read/Write: I hurt my shoulder on a boulder.
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