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Children entering Phase 3a will know around 19 letters and be able to blend phonemes to read VC words and segment VC words to spell. While many children will be able to read and spell CVC words, they all should be able to blend and segment CVC words orally.
The purpose of this phase is to teach another 12 graphemes. Children also continue to practise CVC blending and segmentation in this phase and will apply their knowledge of blending and segmenting to reading and spelling simple two-syllable words and captions. They will learn letter names during this phase, learn to read some more tricky words and also begin to learn to spell some of these words. It must always be remembered that phonics is the step up to word recognition. Automatic reading of all words – decodable and tricky – is the ultimate goal.
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Revisit: Letter recognition and recall for ck, /e/, /u/, /r/, /h/, /b/, /f/, ff, /l/, ll, ss
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /j/
Formation: Down the side and around the bottom. Then put a dot on the lid
Blending: jim, Jill, jet, jog, jam, jet-lag, j-a-ck-e-t
Tricky word: s-ai-d
Apply: Read/write the caption ‘jam in the pan’
Revisit: Letter recognition and recall for /e/, /u/, /r/, /h/, /b/, /f/, ff, /l/, ll, ss, /j/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /v/
Formation: Down one side of the van door then up the other
Blending: van, vat, vet, Vic, visit, velvet
Tricky word: h-er
Apply: Read/write the caption ‘the vet has got a jab’
Revisit: Letter recognition and recall for /u/, /r/, /h/, /b/, /f/, ff, /l/, ll, ss, /j/, /v/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /w/
Formation: Follow the spider... down, up, down, up
Blending: will, win, wag, web, wig, wax, cobweb, w-i-ck-e-d
Apply: Read/write the caption ‘a pig in a wig’
Revisit: Letter recognition and recall for /r/, /h/, /b/, /f/, ff, /l/, ll, ss, /j/, /v/, /w/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound x
Formation: Down and across from the first flap... down and across from the next
Blending: mix, fix, box, tax, six, taxi, vixen, exit
Apply: Read/write the caption ‘a fox in a box’
1. Read the sentence.
2. Explain to the children that capital letters are used at the beginning of a sentence and for names. Explain that some capitals are a similar shape to their lower-case letters (like S), and some have different shapes (like A), but each capital always has the same sound as its lower-case letter.
Show the children the full stops. Explain that full stops are used at the end of sentences.
Revisit: Letter recognition and recall for /h/, /b/, /f/, ff, /l/, ll, ss, /j/, /v/, /w/, x
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /y/
Formation: Down, up and around the yoyo then back down the string
Blending: yap, yes, yet, y-e-ll, yum-yum
Tricky word: h-e
Apply: Read/write the sentence ‘The dog will yap if I yell.’
Revisit: Letter recognition and recall for /h/, /b/, /f/, ff, /l/, ll, ss, /j/, /v/, /w/, x, /y/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the letter-sound /z/
Formation: Across the zebra’s head... down and across the body then over to the tail
Blending: zip, Zak, zigzag Tricky word: m-y
Apply: Read/write the sentence ‘My zip did not zip up.’
Revisit: Letter recognition and recall for /h/, /b/, /f/, ff, /l/, ll, ss, /j/, /v/, /w/, x, /y/, /z/
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the digraph zz
Blending: b-u-zz, j-a-zz Tricky word: f-or
Apply: Read/write the sentence ‘My zip did not zip up.’
1. Display the word to be learned on the whiteboard and check that everyone can read it.
2. Say a sentence using the word (e.g. I will go to the shop.).
3. Draw children’s attention to the letter-sound correspondence (GPC) that they already know (t) and discuss the tricky part (o) of the word.
4. Sound-talk the word raising a finger for each phoneme.
5. Discuss the letters required for each phoneme, using letter names.
1. Explain that sometimes two letters can make one sound and this is called a digraph.
2. Sound-talk the word ‘quiz’.
3. Sound-talk the word ‘quiz’ putting sound buttons under ‘i’ ‘z’ and a line under ‘qu’ and blending them to read the word.
4. Explain that the digraph qu makes the blended sound of ‘k’ and ‘w’.
5. Teach letter recognition and recall for the digraph qu. letters.
Revisit: Letter recognition and recall for /b/, /f/, ff, /l/, ll, ss, /j/, /v/, /w/, x, /y/, /z/, zz
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the digraph qu
Formation: Around the queen's body, up and down her train...with a turn at the end...q is always followed by a /u/
Blending: qu-i-z, qu-i-ck, qu-i-t, qu-a-ck, l-i-qu-i-d
Apply: Read/write the sentence ‘Ken quit the quiz.’
Revisit: Letter recognition and recall for /f/, ff, /l/, ll, ss, /j/, /v/, /w/,x, /y/, /z/, zz, qu
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the digraph /sh/
Blending: sh-i-p, sh-o-p, sh-e-d, sh-e-ll, f-i-sh, sh-o-ck, c-a-sh, b-a-sh, b-u-sh
Apply: Read/write the sentence ‘I am in a rush to the shop.’
Revisit: Letter recognition and recall for /f/, ff, /l/, ll, ss, /j/, /v/, /w/,x, /y/, /z/, zz, qu, sh
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the digraph /ch/
Blending: ch-o-p, ch-i-n, ch-u-g, ch-e-ck, s-u-ch, ch-i-p Tricky word: b-e
Apply: Read/write the sentence ‘I had to chop up the fish.’
Revisit: Letter recognition and recall for ff, /l/, ll, ss, /j/, /v/, /w/,x, /y/, /z/, zz, qu, sh, ch
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the unvoiced digraph /th/
Blending: w-i-th, m-o-th, th-i-n, th-i-ck
Remember to include a segmenting for spelling activity at the end of every lesson
Teach: Letter recognition and recall for the voiced digraph /th/
Blending: th-e-m, th-e-n, th-a-t, th-i-s,
Apply: Read/write the sentence ‘A moth is in the shed.’
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